Caucasians, Hooliganism

11-April-2024 Thursday
“Eeeeeeeee! Our hands were broken, but we broke the stop!”

12-December-2021 Sunday
"Man" "paid" pizza with his fists

26-October-2021 Tuesday
Response to the post "Addition to the post "About the beating in the subway or" why men were transferred to Russia """

18-October-2021 Monday
About the beating in the subway and why in Russia "transferred men"

13-October-2021 Wednesday
Addition to the post "About the beating in the subway or "why in Russia the men were transferred""

07-October-2021 Thursday
Bastrykin instructed to toughen the article of the Criminal Code in the case of beating a man in the subway

19-September-2021 Sunday
These people still demand respect for themselves, while they themselves spit on others

14-February-2020 Friday
Post #7230712
