Cover, DuckTales

29-June-2023 Thursday
Metal cover of the 8-bit soundtrack of the 8-bit game "DuckTales" - The Moon

04-August-2021 Wednesday
DuckTales / DuckTales / Rock / Metal / Serge Borisov

17-November-2019 Sunday
DuckTales from Sunday Morning

10-May-2018 Thursday
Cover version of the soundtrack "DuckTales" performed by animals

08-May-2017 Monday
Probably something like this sounded music from the games in our head in childhood.

10-August-2015 Monday
Action from 1:20

04-October-2014 Saturday
Cover by MONICA - Duck Tales (Duck Tales)

26-March-2014 Wednesday
To all connoisseurs of epic. Meet: Duck Tales!

18-January-2014 Saturday
Cover: Ducktales Theme Song
