Story, Saudi Arabia

14-November-2022 Monday
The Saudi Arabian National Guard is the backbone of the royal house of al-Saud

15-February-2022 Tuesday
How relations between the USSR and Saudi Arabia destroyed Stalin's repressions, or about an "effective manager"

05-February-2022 Saturday
About the black stone in the Kaaba

19-October-2021 Tuesday

27-April-2021 Tuesday
The prosecutor's office declared the demolition of the monument to Dzerzhinsky on Lubyanka illegal

21-May-2018 Monday
Secrets of the desert of Saudi Arabia: Entertaining paleontology and archeology

04-January-2016 Monday
1,900 year old tomb carved from a single rock in Saudi Arabia.

08-October-2015 Thursday
Shiites and Sunnis • Iran and Saudi Arabia An ancient fratricidal war that shapes the face of all wars in the Middle East

28-May-2014 Wednesday
Why did Coca-Cola fail its advertising campaign in Saudi Arabia?
