Story, Based on true events

26-January-2019 Saturday
Clouds for an angel

20-January-2019 Sunday
The story of the little prince

06-September-2018 Thursday
eerie prediction

06-September-2018 Thursday
About looking for people

07-September-2016 Wednesday
They weren't found

25-August-2016 Thursday
Five cents about compliments

11-March-2016 Friday
Zveryatnik "OOO help the Forest AND EVERYTHING-ALL EVERYTHING" part 2

27-February-2016 Saturday
Zveryatnik "LLC Help the Forest and Everyone-Everything Everything"

05-November-2015 Thursday
Tails and Eagle

14-September-2014 Sunday

06-August-2014 Wednesday
When friends tell a story based on "real" events.

29-July-2013 Monday
Black diggers...... Creepistori...........
