Story, Wrist Watch

13-January-2023 Friday
Go2288's answer in “Peekaboo power, help) Dear watchmakers. I ask you to tell me the release date and the secrets of the watch.

30-December-2022 Friday
How wrist watches have changed over the past 100 years. The beauty!

23-December-2022 Friday
We understand why clocks are called boilers. You have to choose what is more like the truth

21-December-2022 Wednesday
In 1969, this guy was making incredible watches. No numbers and don't care about logos

05-December-2022 Monday
History of WATCH LOGOS. What do all these lions and apples on the dials mean?

02-December-2022 Friday
Swiss watch of the Soviet assembly. This could be

26-November-2022 Saturday
Power peekaboo, help) Dear watchmakers. I ask you to tell me the release date and the secrets of the watch

21-November-2022 Monday
Watches of French pilots. They were smashed with a hammer, leaving the reserve. But why?

17-November-2022 Thursday
The first watch-calculator. Not even the President of the United States can afford

21-October-2022 Friday
These military watches were made only in the form of pendants. Why?

13-October-2022 Thursday
Watch ads that today would be called sexist

18-September-2022 Sunday
The girl spent 10 hours in ice water - and her watch did not break

12-September-2022 Monday
He threw his watch from the Eiffel Tower - to see what happens to them

25-March-2018 Sunday
History of watches.

09-October-2013 Wednesday
Capitan - watches of the Russian Empire
