IL-76, Prisoners

26-January-2024 Friday
Video of Ukrainian prisoners boarding an IL-76 plane

26-January-2024 Friday
Putin admitted that the Il-76 with prisoners of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was shot down by mistake

25-January-2024 Thursday
The Investigative Committee published footage from the Il-76 crash site in the Belgorod region

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Will there be a brand?

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Reply krillat to “Ukrainian media began to delete news about the involvement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the downing of Il76”

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Ukrainian media began to delete news about the involvement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the downing of Il76”

24-January-2024 Wednesday
Ukrainian media began to delete news about the involvement of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the downing of Il76
