Treason, Apartment

22-May-2024 Wednesday
Divorce. Studio apartment. Mortgage. Disappointment in women

01-March-2024 Friday
Monetization of loyalty and “wounding by honesty.” When life binds them, the innocent suffer. Let me explain what BPD has to do with it

09-April-2022 Saturday
Response to the post "Meet Me, Now I'm a Cuckold"

30-January-2022 Sunday
On women's cunning and male naivety

29-September-2021 Wednesday
I would be grateful. Question to the lawyers

11-November-2019 Monday
My divorce from my husband (part 2)

26-October-2019 Saturday
No need to register apartments for anyone

25-June-2018 Monday
Don't change anymore, silly)

06-January-2018 Saturday
Deprived the children of the apartment

02-May-2017 Tuesday
How I framed my sister's husband.

25-April-2017 Tuesday

18-September-2014 Thursday
Taken from KMP.
