Game of Thrones, Infographics

13-August-2017 Sunday
The exact number of Tarly and Lannister troops during the assault on Highgarden

28-June-2016 Tuesday
Game of Thrones Season 6 Deaths

25-April-2016 Monday
Who are you in Game of Thrones

23-April-2016 Saturday
Sex in the series ''Game of Thrones''. Infographics.

12-February-2016 Friday
Entertaining game of thrones infographics

10-April-2015 Friday
"Game of Thrones" - historical and literary parallels

14-April-2014 Monday
Game of Thrones lovers

10-February-2014 Monday
Journey to the Seven Kingdoms

20-September-2013 Friday
Historical Parallels in Game of Thrones (beware: spoilers + long post!!!)
