IA Panorama, Negative
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13-June-2024 Thursday
Continuation of the post “Referral (to ITU) No. 666. Part 6. “Department for combating complaints or the plot of malfeasance””

29-May-2024 Wednesday
Fraudster from Moscow

21-May-2024 Tuesday
A robot courier in the United States shot and killed a man who did not leave him a tip.

30-April-2024 Tuesday
In St. Petersburg, they are looking for a citizen who shouted “Life for thieves” at a meeting of graduates of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University

18-April-2024 Thursday
The first night shelter for crypto investors in Moscow closed after not even a week of operation

15-April-2024 Monday
The telephone scammer who deceived the wife of the General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was identified and detained in 48 minutes

10-April-2024 Wednesday
New York police will prosecute citizens for attempting to resist robbers

22-December-2023 Friday
In Sharypovo, an Alabai bit off the buttock of an official who was trying to cut down a Christmas tree for the city in a private yard

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