Health care, Medics

24-April-2024 Wednesday
The Russian government reported on the implementation of 25 indicators of the national project “Healthcare”

05-February-2024 Monday
Altai Republic: the trade union achieved social benefits for ambulance drivers

15-January-2024 Monday
The trade union named measures to combat the shortage of doctors

13-January-2024 Saturday
Big (honey)brother is watching you

08-May-2022 Sunday
Australia faces a shortage of medical workers

30-November-2021 Tuesday
Popova listed the necessary measures against the omicron strain of coronavirus

07-December-2018 Friday
“In some places they cut to the quick”: dozens of medical workers will be laid off in Yamal

20-December-2017 Wednesday
New Year's Eve interview with a thoracic surgeon of the highest category KOGBUZ OKPTD, Ph.D. Svintsova A.E. Doctor Honest.

25-October-2017 Wednesday
Are young professionals needed in Russia?

07-June-2016 Tuesday
Create a community "Medic League"
