Health, Technics

29-April-2024 Monday
Don't do it, think about it

22-March-2024 Friday
Can a household air conditioner produce low-frequency noise?

07-August-2023 Monday
A little about microwaves

26-August-2022 Friday
How lumpy glass will save humanity

21-January-2022 Friday
Response to the post "The Irradiator is 40 years old - and after all, the smoking room is alive!..."

26-November-2017 Sunday
The myth about the dangers of LED lamps

03-November-2017 Friday
My practice at the plant and the understanding that TB is really written in blood

06-June-2015 Saturday
"From the toe" or "from the heel"? Running technique for beginners.

25-May-2014 Sunday
Meanwhile, seeing this miracle, all the crunches hid in their garages and accelerate their plastic rockets only there.

01-April-2014 Tuesday
Science news!

27-August-2013 Tuesday
Scientists create a 'laboratory in a napkin'

10-April-2013 Wednesday
Foldable condom fits any size
