Health, TattooPage 2
02-December-2024 Monday
How often do you go for massages?
31-October-2024 Thursday
If you are a guy and want to stand out from the crowd:
08-October-2024 Tuesday
What is pigment and how is it made?
05-October-2024 Saturday
Chlorhexidine in Tattoo Ink: A Joke That Came True
04-October-2024 Friday
Everything you need to know about tattoos
29-September-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post "Little Gray Men. Day #003. You Don't Have to Control Everything"
29-July-2024 Monday
PNRPU told how attitudes towards tattoos have changed since ancient times and is it safe to get them now?
05-July-2024 Friday
Tattoo healing
26-March-2024 Tuesday
Is it true that tattoos increase the risk of cancer?
01-March-2024 Friday
Hidden threat discovered in tattoo inks
15-February-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “What is Suprasorb F?”
14-February-2024 Wednesday
What is Suprasorb F?
14-February-2024 Wednesday
The most problematic areas of the body for tattoos
04-February-2024 Sunday
Does it hurt to get a tattoo?