Health, Consequences

14-September-2023 Thursday
Extermination or testing of military developments?

09-November-2022 Wednesday
What is the relationship between hormones and head injuries?

30-July-2022 Saturday
MadSonne's response to "Soul, come back, don't fly away"

30-July-2022 Saturday
Reply to the post "Soul, come back, don't fly away"

10-March-2022 Thursday
Transition to Russian insulin

22-January-2022 Saturday
Is X-ray dangerous? What are the implications?

11-August-2021 Wednesday
One and a half years after covidly

19-January-2021 Tuesday
Experiments on the military: voluntary or still compulsory vaccination

11-October-2020 Sunday
Response to the post "6 reasons not to drink beer"

12-April-2020 Sunday
Speaking of donation

15-December-2019 Sunday
I don’t know where else to find out, the question about the teeth and speeds is very tormenting ...

02-May-2018 Wednesday
The nurse showed the shocking consequences of smoking

19-July-2016 Tuesday
Soda intolerance or what?

17-June-2013 Monday
What do you think about smoking weed/tobacco with a hookah?
