Salary, RBK

23-May-2024 Thursday
What is your income?

21-September-2022 Wednesday
In the light of the news

14-December-2018 Friday
Coming wage growth

27-June-2018 Wednesday
Valentina Matvienko criticized the CEO of Russian Post Nikolai Podguzov

08-August-2017 Tuesday
The number of teachers who are satisfied with their work has almost halved

16-June-2017 Friday
The union of pilots accused Aeroflot of saving on salaries of employees

19-January-2017 Thursday
The Central Bank will be asked to cancel the mandatory transfer of budget payments to Mir cards

19-November-2016 Saturday
The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications allowed the head of the Russian Post to receive 10 million rubles. per month

23-April-2016 Saturday
Rosstat saw an increase in real wages of Russians
