Salary, Inequality

05-June-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “It’s simple”

04-June-2024 Tuesday
It's simple

23-May-2024 Thursday
Why are salaries higher in Moscow?

07-May-2024 Tuesday
Once again about the salary of an IT specialist. The simplest analysis

15-February-2024 Thursday
Baba, know your place))

19-November-2023 Sunday
Gender inequality. How do the salaries of men and women differ around the world? Plus video evidence

08-April-2023 Saturday
Response to the post "On the gender pay gap"

08-April-2023 Saturday
Response to the post "On the gender pay gap"

28-June-2022 Tuesday
The difference in wages between men and women in Russia can reach almost 70%

25-March-2022 Friday
Does pay really lag behind human productivity?

07-December-2021 Tuesday
Kazakh in the US Senate

09-November-2021 Tuesday
This level of inequality that the state creates, no market will create

01-October-2019 Tuesday
Social equality.

14-February-2019 Thursday
Average earnings and social inequality

12-January-2018 Friday
"Who does not work - he eats"
