Travel ban, Politics

26-April-2024 Friday
The Foreign Ministry is discussing a ban on the issuance and replacement of documents for Russians abroad - true or fake?

20-April-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “Indignation”

07-March-2023 Tuesday
From Russia to Belarus with a ban on leaving the Russian Federation in 2023

24-January-2023 Tuesday
In Ukraine, published a list of civil servants who are prohibited from traveling abroad

21-September-2022 Wednesday
Named the condition for leaving the country for falling under the mobilization of the Russians

29-July-2022 Friday
Petition for the departure of Ukrainians without military experience gained enough votes to be considered

20-April-2022 Wednesday
Well, you have to)))

19-March-2022 Saturday
The State Duma proposed to protect Russians from Russophobia abroad, temporarily banning them from leaving the country

28-June-2018 Thursday
Why saw the bough you're sitting on

18-March-2016 Friday
The Ministry of Internal Affairs proposed to oblige Russians to justify trips to "troubled countries"

23-April-2014 Wednesday
The security forces were banned from leaving the Russian Federation.
