West, Taiwan
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30-April-2024 Tuesday
Elon's solution to two world problems

02-February-2024 Friday
China has come up with a new way to reunite with Taiwan: each Taiwanese will be given $10 thousand

10-April-2023 Monday
Continuation of the post "April 10, 100 laziness in 9 minutes + Lenovosti News"

10-April-2023 Monday
April 10, 100 laziness in 9 minutes + Lenovosti News

24-September-2022 Saturday
Step-by-step example of information crackdown against China

17-August-2022 Wednesday
Nazism of the Estonian Prime Minister: Russians are being expelled / The United States again humiliated China and sent a new delegation to Taiwan

15-August-2022 Monday
American Crime and Punishment

15-August-2022 Monday
Almutabi's response to "What's going on?!"

05-August-2022 Friday
RuRarusRisus' answer to "Chinese warplanes and ships have entered the Taiwan zone. There are 68 planes and 13 ships in the area (news August 5)"

05-August-2022 Friday
No, honey, you have to finish this before you go to Taiwan.

05-August-2022 Friday
Reply to the post “But I wonder if Taiwan holds a referendum?”

05-August-2022 Friday
World redistribution: Why Pelosi's visit was necessary

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