Bill, Bailiffs

29-May-2024 Wednesday
Putin signed a law creating a register of alimony

19-April-2024 Friday
Rubric "Gee" No. 2

07-February-2024 Wednesday
What bailiffs can take for debts

26-January-2024 Friday
Principles of civil law. Civil legal relations concept and types

12-January-2024 Friday
About the problem of the work of the judicial apparatus. Failure to comply with court deadlines

05-December-2023 Tuesday
Is it possible to notify the defendant about the decision of the case?

27-August-2023 Sunday
Banning collectors or another loud "zilch"

27-February-2023 Monday
Free bankruptcy for pensioners (news + question)

03-October-2019 Thursday
The bailiffs received epaulettes of the security forces and the obligation to pay out of pocket for their own mistakes.

25-September-2019 Wednesday
The Ministry of Justice proposed to allow bailiffs to break down the door to check the redevelopment.
