Abroad, TASS

15-May-2024 Wednesday
Zelensky canceled all international visits in the coming days due to the difficult situation at the front

03-May-2024 Friday
The Kremlin commented on a Bloomberg article about the return of 45% of relocants to the Russian Federation

17-April-2024 Wednesday
Foreign passports of Ukrainians who left the country without permission from the military registration and enlistment office will be canceled

01-April-2024 Monday
VTsIOM: the share of those wishing to emigrate from the Russian Federation has reached a minimum for the entire monitoring period

19-October-2023 Thursday
The Deputy Prime Minister of Russia believes that now those who left do not have the courage to admit their mistake

16-October-2023 Monday
They want to deprive lawyers who left Russia of their status

11-October-2023 Wednesday
The HRC believes that children of Russians born abroad should receive Russian citizenship

11-August-2022 Thursday
In 2022, Russians issued 45% more passports than a year earlier

03-August-2022 Wednesday
Almost 70% of Russians surveyed have never vacationed abroad
