Zhores Alferov, The science
15-March-2023 Wednesday
Zhores Ivanovich Alferov - a man-legend!
09-August-2021 Monday
Learning is light, and the wrong heterocontact is darkness!
15-June-2020 Monday
On the financing of fundamental science according to Zh.I. Alferov
28-May-2020 Thursday
The Tunguska explosion could have been caused by an asteroid that is still orbiting the Sun
15-March-2019 Friday
Why socialism?
05-March-2019 Tuesday
Farewell to Zhores Alferov
02-March-2019 Saturday
Zhores Alferov about the past and the present
02-March-2019 Saturday
Zhores Alferov.
02-March-2019 Saturday
Nobel laureate Zhores Alferov dies
07-August-2015 Friday
New lecture by Nobel Laureate Zhores Alferov
26-February-2014 Wednesday
Video. Zh.I. Alferov in the State Duma held a lecture on the topic "Breakthrough technologies of the XX century and their modern significance"
25-September-2013 Wednesday
Quote from Zh.I. Alferova