Lodging, Corruption

22-May-2024 Wednesday
“30 years of waiting for housing”: a teacher from Aramili complained to the president that the order of distribution of apartments was being violated in the city

28-March-2024 Thursday
About how I was evicted from the hostel and what came of it

18-March-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “Ekaterinburg residents do not agree to take out mortgages for the sake of the Integrated Development of Territories (CTD) program approved by the governor”

17-March-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “Ekaterinburg residents do not agree to take out mortgages for the sake of the Integrated Development of Territories (CTD) program approved by the governor”

17-March-2024 Sunday
Reply to DemGod9 in “Ekaterinburg residents do not agree to take out mortgages for the sake of the Integrated Development of Territories (CTD) program approved by the governor”

17-March-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “Ekaterinburg residents do not agree to take out mortgages for the sake of the Integrated Development of Territories (CTD) program approved by the governor”

17-March-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “Ekaterinburg residents do not agree to take out mortgages for the sake of the Integrated Development of Territories (CTD) program approved by the governor”

16-March-2024 Saturday
Yekaterinburg residents do not agree to take out mortgages for the sake of the Integrated Development of Territories (CTD) program approved by the governor.

07-February-2024 Wednesday
In the Perm Territory, the head of the district and his partner seized part of the shore, and then blocked the neighbors’ entrance to the house

24-August-2017 Thursday
League of Lawyers, Help!!

11-March-2017 Saturday
It turns out how easy it is to solve the issue of housing.

02-December-2016 Friday
The Chelyabinsk orphan was given "housing" from railway sleepers without water and a toilet.
