Animals, Ecology
Page 12

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02-November-2024 Saturday
Continuation of the post "Just a reminder"

25-October-2024 Friday
Animals and circus...

10-October-2024 Thursday
Chistoman vs animal rights activists

13-August-2024 Tuesday
The number of sea turtles stranded on shore has increased dramatically. All due to cooling associated with climate change

09-August-2024 Friday
Green energy contributes to the death of thousands of animal species

24-July-2024 Wednesday
The Greens insist on banning the purchase of wild-born animals by circuses

17-July-2024 Wednesday
In Australia, environmental activists seek a ban on cuddling koalas

02-July-2024 Tuesday
Schoolchildren collected 600 kg of waste paper to save the blind dog Vera

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