European Union, Germans

09-September-2024 Monday
Czechoslovakia - the lawn of democracy. And the truth hidden from us. The tragedy of the beer glass

15-March-2023 Wednesday
2022. Put Putin on his knees. 2023 - 1/3 of Germans are homeless by 2033. How to prevent power engineers from turning off their electricity and gas for utility debts

13-June-2022 Monday
The Germans do not agree with the possible membership of Ukraine in the EU

14-April-2022 Thursday
Response to the post "From Love to Hate..."

07-April-2022 Thursday
From a subscriber from Germany. Very interesting details about Ukrainian refugees

16-March-2022 Wednesday
An unusual opinion of a German about Russia

13-November-2021 Saturday
Subscribers of the representative of the Polish special services wrote that CNN is dancing to the tune of Lukashenka.

04-June-2018 Monday
Germans: Their one extreme, the other ...

10-January-2016 Sunday
Cologne: Sex and the City

15-March-2015 Sunday
The Poles are so afraid of the Germans that they write them everywhere

17-August-2014 Sunday
How the Germans attacked Croatia

30-April-2014 Wednesday
German special forces are preparing to free the hostages in Slavyansk

10-April-2013 Wednesday
Putin. Good Fuhrer for Europe.
