European Union, Latvia
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24-May-2024 Friday
Russia has become Latvia's largest trading partner outside the EU

21-May-2024 Tuesday
Latvia: For a comment congratulating May 9, you will immediately receive a large fine. For a robbery attack on a grandmother - a reprieve

09-May-2024 Thursday
Video vlog video 1

05-December-2023 Tuesday
Russian President V.V. Putin held a meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights 2023

04-December-2023 Monday
Putin warned the Latvian authorities against their “swine” attitude towards Russian speakers

06-June-2023 Tuesday
Denied asylum to a citizen of the Russian Federation, who indicated that they want to send him to the war against Ukraine

25-February-2023 Saturday
In Riga, a wrecked T-72B was put up under the embassy of the Russian Federation .2

04-February-2023 Saturday
Zatlers: Russian citizens are dangerous for the Latvian state

15-January-2023 Sunday
And what about heating in Eastern European countries? Those who most loudly refused Russian gas?

07-December-2022 Wednesday
Dozhd TV channel will also stop broadcasting in Lithuania

06-December-2022 Tuesday
Nick.Zanyat's answer to "The TV channel "Rain" suspends work"

09-November-2022 Wednesday
And I had a vision... Riga, 2023

05-November-2022 Saturday
The answer to the post “What is there in Latvia?”

04-November-2022 Friday
The answer to the post “What is there in Latvia?”

04-November-2022 Friday
The answer to the post “What is there in Latvia?”

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