Jews, Torah

10-October-2023 Tuesday
A little about Jews

05-June-2022 Sunday
Continuation of the post "Sefer Torah as a pearl of Jewish art"

25-February-2022 Friday
Response to the post "Sefer-Torah as the Pearl of Jewish Art"

23-September-2021 Thursday
Why are sidelocks worn?

29-August-2021 Sunday
Jewish prayer | Tefillin on head and hand | Tallit (cover)

23-December-2020 Wednesday
The hardest book in my life

06-January-2019 Sunday
Unbreakable covenant

09-December-2018 Sunday
Response to an anti-Semite

10-April-2016 Sunday
What is Judaism.

10-January-2016 Sunday
The Viking came to the rabbi and asked: what is the strength, brother?

01-April-2015 Wednesday
Once upon a time in the store a discount on kosher

15-May-2013 Wednesday
Are there Jews on the peekaboo?

19-March-2013 Tuesday
Veganism according to the Torah
