Unified State Exam, College

02-September-2024 Monday
Reply to the post "Education + Effective Managers"

28-June-2023 Wednesday
School VS college (about USE)

29-April-2023 Saturday
EGE and negative motivation

02-September-2022 Friday
Is it possible to enter the 10th grade from college in September?

23-August-2022 Tuesday
Can I take the exam in college?

01-August-2022 Monday
Help with advice please! There will be a giant story about learning, etc.)

17-July-2022 Sunday
Passing the exam while studying in college

02-July-2019 Tuesday
How I chose my profession.

14-December-2018 Friday
Good day. I need advice (or maybe not advice, I just need courage). Lots of text.

21-May-2018 Monday
Where to go ?

10-July-2015 Friday
The growing problem of secondary schools.

04-September-2013 Wednesday
Peekaboo, I need some advice!
