Hole, Politics

10-February-2023 Friday
What do Charles and Adolf have in common?

03-September-2022 Saturday
All about the hole in the floor

21-October-2021 Thursday
An official advised a Sverdlovsk large family living in a moldy house to make holes in the walls (VIDEO)

17-September-2021 Friday
Photo of the day - absolute patriotism

11-August-2021 Wednesday
Response to the post “Migrants who illegally entered the Russian Federation through Belarus were detained in Russia”

19-April-2019 Friday
Based on the story about Petya and his torn sock...

13-December-2017 Wednesday
Pension pump for sealing budget holes

08-May-2017 Monday
Weird tweet from Poroshenko

01-February-2016 Monday
Here is such a turn

28-April-2015 Tuesday
Poroshenko believes that Ukraine is "one of the most promising places in the world for investment" (RIA Novosti)
