Hole, Fashion

20-November-2021 Saturday
The hole is patented - from now on, no shame!

05-October-2021 Tuesday
All my life I've been way ahead of fashion, that's my cross...

14-December-2019 Saturday

02-August-2018 Thursday
Dangerous abyss...

07-July-2017 Friday
I love this new trend

15-March-2017 Wednesday
Thank you fashion

22-October-2016 Saturday

05-September-2016 Monday
Business idea

04-August-2016 Thursday

19-November-2015 Thursday
In response to

18-November-2015 Wednesday

18-November-2015 Wednesday
Fashion, stop what are you doing?

20-July-2015 Monday
Fashion dictates its own rules)))

09-June-2015 Tuesday

30-March-2015 Monday
Moth wound up

21-May-2014 Wednesday
Do we have a new fashion?

05-June-2013 Wednesday
Let's help the girls! With each spool of thread, the holes in the pants get smaller!

30-May-2013 Thursday
Whoa whoa mod take it easy
