Durov return the wall, Peekaboo

13-December-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Maybe they will notice”

21-August-2023 Monday
And what, the cons returned to Pikabu?

09-August-2023 Wednesday
All faeces in hot

19-July-2023 Wednesday
Peekaboo's followers

13-June-2023 Tuesday
And I'm a plus, since such a thing)

08-June-2023 Thursday
Now they've taken on a dark theme...

11-December-2022 Sunday
Reply to the post "Wave of button accordions"

08-July-2022 Friday
CATandCAT's response to "Native icon saving everything..."

02-June-2021 Wednesday
Smart tape (no)

29-May-2021 Saturday
Thoughts on smart tape

23-May-2021 Sunday
Peek-a-boo like a tape with copy-paste

19-April-2014 Saturday
Am I the only one who thinks that he is an illegitimate authority?
