Fight, Lazy

22-December-2023 Friday
In the wake of posts about bullying, I will share my experience

30-April-2023 Sunday
Response to the post “In Kazan, parents attacked teenagers because their child was almost run over on a pump track”

30-April-2023 Sunday
In Kazan, parents attacked teenagers because their child was almost run over on a pump track

29-April-2021 Thursday
Response to the post "Yazhebatya of non-traditional nationality and punishment"

27-April-2021 Tuesday
Yazhebatya non-traditional nationality and punishment

10-December-2020 Thursday
The father who broke the arm of another child on the playground in St. Petersburg was sent to a pre-trial detention center

08-December-2020 Tuesday
Petersburg "Yazhbatya" Intervened in a fight on the playground

29-July-2020 Wednesday
Fight between children

16-June-2020 Tuesday
Males/females attack skateboard and children

10-April-2019 Wednesday
Yazhbatya or how to raise the dough?

12-February-2019 Tuesday
When he came to support his son at the competition

21-January-2019 Monday
Yazhmamka with yazhmakka

11-November-2018 Sunday
Yazhpapko and ovulyakh against skater boys!

20-July-2018 Friday
Fight at Burger King, or "Yazhded"

17-April-2017 Monday
How to ask for a sled.

05-April-2017 Wednesday
Igfather or worse...
