Dollars, Turkey

15-September-2023 Friday
So convenient!

06-September-2023 Wednesday
Dollar exchange in Turkey

28-August-2022 Sunday
How to take cash dollars and other currencies out of Russia. Personal experience

09-June-2022 Thursday
Settlement with the Mir card in Turkey

02-June-2022 Thursday
Talk about Turkey's current economic situation

12-September-2018 Wednesday
My Vacation

14-August-2016 Sunday
DWN: Russia and Turkey plan to abandon the dollar in trade

08-June-2015 Monday
The number of Russians vacationing abroad decreased by 40% due to sanctions and the exchange rate of the dollar and the euro

19-April-2015 Sunday
Iran and Turkey abandon the dollar

04-January-2015 Sunday
Nikolai Starikov - Who collapses the ruble? Loans - how to take? Gas and Turkey.
