Debtor, Court
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02-December-2024 Monday
The bank lost the original loan agreement and "flew" in court. No agreement - no debt!

27-November-2024 Wednesday
Is it legal for a bailiff to write off money from a debtor's credit card?

25-November-2024 Monday
The bank collected 539,000 rubles of debt from an eight-year-old child. Do bankers have a conscience?

19-November-2024 Tuesday
Received a microloan in cash with approval via SMS and said that he did not receive the money. The court refused the MFI's request to recover the money

13-November-2024 Wednesday
The woman took out a microloan at 365% per annum and did not return it. And then in court she achieved a 19-fold reduction in interest

01-October-2024 Tuesday
When the seizure of the debtor's property by a bailiff is illegal - three decisions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation

26-September-2024 Thursday
How to correctly declare the statute of limitations so that the court does not collect an old debt

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