Long-liver, Health

31-March-2024 Sunday
A 101-year-old centenarian told how he achieved his career goals and shared his secret to longevity

31-January-2024 Wednesday
Following the advice of long-livers, today I will start taking a glass of cognac as a medicine every day...

29-March-2019 Friday

07-December-2018 Friday
Five places on Earth where aging slows down

18-November-2018 Sunday
How to slow down aging

01-July-2018 Sunday
Minister of Labor Topilin spoke about the possibility of life up to 200 years

19-May-2018 Saturday
"Avoid men and eat a lot of porridge." 109-year-old Scottish 'girl' reveals secrets to her longevity

16-October-2017 Monday
Live long.

23-August-2017 Wednesday
Nakhodka doctors performed a successful operation on a 102-year-old patient

25-May-2016 Wednesday
What are you drinking, %username% ?
