Prowess, Feat

09-May-2021 Sunday
Guryev Arsenty Pavlovich. Feat

06-May-2021 Thursday
Question for the communists...

04-February-2016 Thursday
Trailer of the film about the valiant stewardess

24-November-2015 Tuesday
Knights of St. George in cassocks.

29-May-2014 Thursday
Heroism of the army and navy of Russia. Sniper Philip Rubakho.

29-May-2014 Thursday
Heroism of the army and navy of Russia. Battleship "Azov"

28-May-2014 Wednesday
Heroism of the army and navy of Russia. Chesme battle.

28-May-2014 Wednesday
Heroism of the army and navy of Russia. The feat of the brig "Mercury".

22-May-2014 Thursday
Heroism of the army and navy of Russia. The last battle of the battleship "SLAVA"

21-May-2014 Wednesday
Heroism of the army and navy of Russia. Destroyer "Guarding"

19-May-2014 Monday
Heroism of the army and navy of Russia. Cruiser "Rurik"
