Dmitry Belyakov, The medicine

18-November-2018 Sunday
Night inadequate. Paramedic - about patients confusing "trauma" and gynecology

26-August-2018 Sunday
It hurts on schedule. Paramedic - about schoolchildren who really do not want to go to class

15-May-2018 Tuesday
Freebie. Paramedic - about those who call 03 because they are too lazy to go to the pharmacy

13-May-2018 Sunday
Racket ambulance. Paramedic - about what doctors are forcing patients to buy

28-March-2018 Wednesday
Even the kids are better behaved. Paramedic - about the vagaries of adults at 37.5

17-March-2018 Saturday
"You'll be in jail for a year." Paramedic - about what threatens you for a false call 03

11-March-2018 Sunday
Revenge of the drowned woman. Paramedic - about a house in which all men die or get sick

04-March-2018 Sunday
Life after a stroke. Paramedic - on whether she can be normal

28-January-2018 Sunday
"Our father is sick." Paramedic ambulance - about how evil returns like a boomerang.
