Diploma, Moscow

17-May-2024 Friday
Let's come in large numbers here!

28-June-2023 Wednesday
What does a higher education diploma look like in the eyes of my parents?

28-July-2020 Tuesday
For the first time in Moscow, diplomas were awarded to graduates of the "Funeral Organizer" course

31-May-2019 Friday
Poll of Moscow youth

01-April-2019 Monday
Paid parking in Moscow. Diploma survey.

09-March-2017 Thursday
Favorite pickups!

09-December-2016 Friday
A flash drive was found (Blue-White. Moscow, Rodchelskaya St.).

20-March-2015 Friday
My (future) job is clinical psychologist :)

22-March-2014 Saturday
Hooray!!! First outdoor performance! Artist!))
