Dealer, Saint Petersburg

12-October-2023 Thursday
Official dealer

22-August-2023 Tuesday
Flash drive from the Porsche salon, for 700 thousand in St. Petersburg

16-June-2023 Friday
Reply to the post "Delay in the issuance of new cars"

16-June-2023 Friday
Delay in the issuance of new cars

15-April-2023 Saturday
Without sucker and life is bad! Auto dealer service station

22-January-2023 Sunday
Mini-review on the official Dakar dealer

24-July-2020 Friday
Pikabu, please help! Saint Petersburg! Need a donor for a DOG!

21-September-2018 Friday
SPb, need some good advice

26-June-2018 Tuesday
How we tried to pass TO-0 on KIA RIO or the absolute non-customer orientation of the dealer.

11-July-2017 Tuesday
Again a large car dealership, and an honest mileage
