Diet, Answer

13-May-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “People who have lost weight, how did you do it? And how did you manage not to gain weight?”

13-May-2024 Monday
People who have lost weight, how did you do it? And how did you manage not to gain weight?

20-February-2024 Tuesday
Possible, but not possible

04-January-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “You just take it and lose weight”

15-October-2022 Saturday
Reply to the post “Friendlyfire for body positivity. Or stop justifying your laziness

15-August-2022 Monday
Reply to the post "How to piss off your wife"

25-April-2020 Saturday
The answer to the post "That's it, damn it!"

12-October-2018 Friday
Living wage!

17-April-2016 Sunday
Super diet with McDonald's

13-December-2014 Saturday
I will answer (in the comments) any questions related to training in the gym, nutrition, diets, doping, recovery, injuries

10-February-2014 Monday
