Diagnosis, Diagnosis not sentencePage 3
20-August-2024 Tuesday
“HOW WE ARE LUCKY”: who is being told this at the children’s oncology center?
01-August-2024 Thursday
International Clown Day
13-April-2024 Saturday
“I know - this love is in our hearts for life!”: about friendship with a clown in the hospital
01-February-2024 Thursday
“LEGENDARY”: why is this what patients on an adult oncology ward call medical clowns?
05-January-2024 Friday
“WILL BE FUN”: what they tell adult patients in the hospital about professional medical clowns
30-December-2023 Saturday
IT SEEMED JUST A SMILE: why does a medical clown regularly visit adult patients in the oncology department
18-December-2023 Monday
A day in the life of Tik-Tak: one clown in two hospitals
15-December-2023 Friday