Children, Telephone
Page 13

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05-June-2024 Wednesday
Reply to EdrenaMatrena in “Today I refused to help an unfamiliar child, but how did I know that help was needed. Society has vulgarized everything, hasn’t it?”

05-June-2024 Wednesday
Reply to EdrenaMatrena in “Today I refused to help an unfamiliar child, but how did I know that help was needed. Society has vulgarized everything, hasn’t it?”

05-June-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Today I refused to help an unfamiliar child, but how did I know that help was needed. Society has vulgarized everything, hasn’t it?”

22-May-2024 Wednesday
The children were shown the technology of the ancients. And they asked me to write an SMS

12-May-2024 Sunday
Completely relaxed

09-April-2024 Tuesday
Childhood grievances

06-March-2024 Wednesday
The karateka is growing up

04-February-2024 Sunday
The child asked his mother for a phone number. Mom became poorer by 220 thousand rubles. Beware, new deception!

01-February-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “The child does not study, the phone is in the way”

31-January-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “The child does not study, the phone is in the way”

31-January-2024 Wednesday
The child is not studying, the phone is interrupting

21-December-2023 Thursday
Digital technology is changing children's brains

06-December-2023 Wednesday
The State Duma banned schoolchildren from using phones in class and returned labor lessons

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