Children, Kaluga

21-April-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “Meeting from the maternity hospital...”

04-February-2021 Thursday
Preliminary calculation for graduation in one of the Kaluga schools ...

24-November-2020 Tuesday
Children don't need sand now. Get a new one in the spring

22-December-2018 Saturday
The student who "found" the baby in the garbage turned out to be her father

18-December-2018 Tuesday
The man told how he found the baby in the garbage in Kaluga in the cold at -13 degrees

04-October-2018 Thursday
Taking care of children...

08-February-2017 Wednesday
The Kaluga governor blamed the pensioners' poverty on their children.

07-January-2017 Saturday
In Kaluga, security dragged naughty children across the floor of a shopping center

15-September-2014 Monday
this is not the Day of the city and not after and not a holiday-May. These are proud fathers and mothers so f ... ut the brains of the people around them.
