Village, Tomsk region

12-January-2024 Friday
Residents of an entire region in the north of the Tomsk region were caught in a snow blockade

15-December-2023 Friday
Is this a prudent attitude towards people's property? A school and sports complex in the Tomsk village of Boriki have been idle for 12 years

08-November-2023 Wednesday
“Our roads are impassable slurry.” Residents of the Tomsk village of Malinovka complain about impassable mud

08-November-2023 Wednesday
The holes in the bridge are filled with boards! Residents of the Bakcharsky district are sounding the alarm. People are afraid to drive on a collapsing bridge

01-November-2023 Wednesday
The difficult road to knowledge. Children from the Tomsk village of Safronovo walk 5 km through puddles and mud to the school bus

19-October-2021 Tuesday
Autumn outside the city. Very long post

14-October-2019 Monday
Outback aesthetics
