Deputies, LGBT

05-June-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Duolingo has removed “LGBTQ propaganda” content from the app.”

05-June-2024 Wednesday
Duolingo removes content containing “LGBT propaganda” from the app

17-November-2023 Friday
The Ministry of Justice filed a lawsuit to ban LGBT people in Russia

15-November-2023 Wednesday
What should a strong rainbow look like?

28-September-2023 Thursday
A State Duma deputy proposed making a domestic analogue of The Sims, but without LGBT people

15-November-2022 Tuesday
They have fun there

18-October-2022 Tuesday
When the hour of White Frost and Wolf Blizzard comes, do not eat yellow snow

26-January-2022 Wednesday
Response to the post "The deputy called animal rights activists a foreign project to "destroy Russians""

25-November-2021 Thursday
Great news! The Ministry of Internal Affairs will check Netflix for LGBT propaganda

26-October-2021 Tuesday
Well, not about the problems to answer

10-June-2018 Sunday
MEPs called on Poroshenko to lead the gay parade

09-June-2018 Saturday
MEPs called on Poroshenko to lead a gay parade in Kyiv

23-July-2017 Sunday
Milon is so milon

13-April-2013 Saturday
