Deputies, Smoking

01-June-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “Retail trade in vapes will be banned in Russia”

17-May-2024 Friday
Deputies want to legalize punishment and spanking of children by parents

09-April-2024 Tuesday
How tobacco tycoons are clearing the market of competitors, a bill banning the sale of vapes

26-September-2019 Thursday
Another ban for the people

28-February-2019 Thursday
Cigarettes are smoked in the Kremlin for 1000 rubles per pack

31-January-2019 Thursday
On the prohibition of smoking while driving.

22-May-2018 Tuesday
The State Duma sent the project on smoking rooms at airports for revision

10-November-2017 Friday
Russian non-smokers were offered to reduce the working week

08-February-2017 Wednesday
Students are allowed to smoke

20-July-2016 Wednesday
This is how MPs fight smoking in the toilets.

16-June-2013 Sunday
I would like to express my opinion about what is happening in Russia :)

16-June-2013 Sunday
URGENT about piracy, about smoking, deputies, new laws, music
