Deputies, Beating

07-May-2024 Tuesday
In the Novosibirsk region, an ex-deputy who killed a man because of frequent appeals was convicted

06-December-2023 Wednesday
A fight between a deputy and a businessman was caught on camera in Transbaikalia

05-February-2022 Saturday
The beating of the former State Duma deputy was caught on video

06-November-2021 Saturday
After the beating in Novye Vatutinki, the deputy proposed to ban the nationality of criminals

06-November-2021 Saturday
Sultan Khamzaev: “I will seek the adoption of a law on the prohibition of indicating in the media the nationality, race and religion of suspects”

29-October-2019 Tuesday
A deputy was beaten with an iron pipe

16-October-2019 Wednesday
Russian hypocrisy at its finest.

13-March-2019 Wednesday
Deputy accused of beating teacher resigns mandate

13-March-2019 Wednesday
"I won't get x.., I'm a deputy." The deputy beat the village teacher

24-December-2018 Monday
The deputy's corporate party was a success...

28-October-2018 Sunday
In Novosibirsk, a United Russia deputy beat a liberal democrat during a rally.

18-July-2018 Wednesday
The MP who beat the DJ was sentenced to two years in a colony-settlement

17-July-2018 Tuesday
Gopnik from the nineties, or What is wrong with Zhirinovsky's party?

13-February-2018 Tuesday
Perm opened a criminal case after beating Dj Smash

04-December-2017 Monday
I'm starting to believe in Santa Claus.

16-December-2016 Friday
Happy New Year!

09-April-2014 Wednesday
The king was beaten and pelted with eggs))
