Money, Patriarch Kirill

22-June-2021 Tuesday
- In short, I once went out to the "War Path" and then looking, but there are no pennies!

29-April-2020 Wednesday
Why is there a title here.. and to attract attention... Well then.. PIZZA, PIES, SUSHI... Well, I don’t know what else to add in short everything

17-May-2019 Friday
Everyone says - Cyril, but how to raise the dough?

05-April-2018 Thursday
Patriarch Kirill called the love of money a "dangerous spiritual disease"

07-January-2018 Sunday
Patriarch Kirill on cashless payments

24-February-2017 Friday
This is a joke, right?

13-January-2016 Wednesday
Lucky you...

26-November-2015 Thursday
ROC and Patriarch Kirill in the form in which they actually are.

29-July-2015 Wednesday
When you

26-May-2015 Tuesday
When I did not throw money to repair the temple

08-April-2015 Wednesday
God gave, God took!

17-January-2014 Friday
