Democracy, freedom of speech
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31-May-2024 Friday
Continuation of the post “Dud and Sandu”

01-April-2024 Monday
EU intelligence agencies began checking right-wing politicians due to support for Russia

03-February-2024 Saturday
A Saratov deputy who spoke about the “absence” of freedom of speech in Russia had his microphone turned off for slandering the democratic system

18-November-2023 Saturday
Fox News: 10 years for memes - FBI arrests conservative journalist

09-October-2023 Monday
Great disclaimer about democracy and freedom of speech

06-September-2023 Wednesday
The story of how I went to Reddit for freedom and democracy

05-September-2023 Tuesday
Freedom of speech and the absence of state censorship under the socialist system

17-April-2023 Monday
YouTube removed showman Andrey Bocharov's channel for violating community rules

28-February-2023 Tuesday
In Poland, 72-year-old Henryk Miketin is accused of a “crime against peace and humanity” for supporting Russia.

12-February-2023 Sunday
In Canada, a high school student was suspended for saying that there are only two genders, and then arrested while trying to return to school

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