Demography, Politics
Page 13

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07-June-2024 Friday
LDPR proposed to consolidate the concept of a large family at the federal level

03-June-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “LDPR submits to the Duma a draft on a shortened working week for women with children”

03-June-2024 Monday
LDPR submits to the Duma a draft on a shortened working week for women with children

01-June-2024 Saturday
Talented parents have talented children!

31-May-2024 Friday
On the eve of International Children's Day, Putin held a number of important video conversations

31-May-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “The Frightened Generation”

30-May-2024 Thursday
The Ministry of Labor wanted pregnant women and young mothers to work remotely

30-May-2024 Thursday
About vacancies and young employees

26-May-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “You can’t fall in love with anyone other than Chechens”

24-May-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “A draft will be submitted to the State Duma to pay women under 25 years of age 200 thousand rubles. for having children"

24-May-2024 Friday
Children "for themselves",...

24-April-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “State Duma Deputy Alexey Zhuravlev is very indignant that the main value of young people is life”

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