Demography, Salary

30-May-2024 Thursday
The Ministry of Labor wanted pregnant women and young mothers to work remotely

30-May-2024 Thursday
About vacancies and young employees

13-May-2024 Monday
Reply to the post “$300. Salary of an ordinary employee at Regional Magnets"

19-April-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “Rising prices against the backdrop of falling birth rates 3.0”

19-April-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “Rising prices against the backdrop of falling birth rates 3.0”

19-April-2024 Friday
Rising prices against the backdrop of falling birth rates 3.0

13-April-2024 Saturday
How much does it cost to live in a big city or why don’t people come to work for you for your money?

31-March-2024 Sunday
Reply to the post “Alimony providers, please explain why it’s difficult to pay?”

16-March-2024 Saturday
14 trillion rubles will be spent to support families with children

15-March-2024 Friday
#Educational program: How did you live in CCCP on 150 rubles?

14-March-2024 Thursday
You fight poverty

14-March-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “There is no one to work, but wages are not being raised. Why is that?"

08-March-2024 Friday
And what about construction workers now paying a lot, but in envelopes?

02-February-2024 Friday
Sad salary story

06-December-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post “Deputy Delyagin called the birth of a child a “ticket to poverty” for the majority of Russians”

15-November-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post “100 million by 2070”

14-November-2023 Tuesday
Ekzanx's answer to "100 million by 2070"

13-November-2023 Monday
100 million by 2070

16-May-2023 Tuesday
Top tips I saw on peekaboo

10-June-2021 Thursday
The decline in the number of migrants is beginning to positively affect the salaries of Russians
