Degradation, New generation

11-October-2021 Monday
Redstern's answer in “A classmate in Novosibirsk stuck a 6 mm ruler in the girl's eye. Bullying at school"

11-October-2021 Monday
Response to the post “A classmate in Novosibirsk stuck a 6 mm ruler in the girl’s eye. Bullying at school»

10-October-2021 Sunday
A classmate in Novosibirsk stuck a 6 mm ruler in the girl's eye. Bullying at school

08-February-2018 Thursday
First and last

07-July-2013 Sunday
"Boiled" you say?!

02-June-2013 Sunday
Read books, walk more, and be healthy)

12-May-2013 Sunday
Everything is true..
